Saturday, October 6, 2012

retrosketches #30 / ROCKstar & SHOUTouts...

Hello again! I think this will have me caught up! Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to the RetroSketch ROCKstar of challenge #30, for this luscious fall card....

And a BIG CONGRATS to these SHOUTouts.... aren't these fabulous!


We could have had dozens more SHOUTouts, all the entries were fabulous! Thank you all for playing! The thumbnails are in no particular order, you can click on them to visit their blogs!



  1. Super picks and a big shout out to Sherry!

  2. thanks for the shout-out! i always love playing along with retrosketches:)

  3. Thanks for picking me as your ROCKstar this week. So excited to get noticed by you girls.

  4. thank you for the "shout out", i am totally honored to be in that group! and i heartily add my awe for sherry's ♥AWESOME♥ & autumnal c&s card!
