Saturday, August 16, 2014

retrosketches #124 / ROCKstars & SHOUTouts...

HELLO HELLO & Happy Saturday!!!!  The kids started school and already brought home a bug! But I have to admit, it's been nice not spending the day getting in and out of the car! I have some winners for challenge #124!!! SO many BEAUTIFUL entries! Thank you for playing!

Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to the newest RetroSketch ROCKstar.... how fun is this?!? All the layering is perfect! Not to mention the amazing coloring.....

And a great BIG CONGRATS to all these Shout-Outs - these are gorgeous!!!


As usual, you can click on the images to see the full card!

Back in a bit!


  1. Hi ladies! Wow! Thanks so much for the honor!!! I am so excited!!!!!! And congrats to all the Shout Outs, too! So much inspiration!

  2. Thanks so much for choosing my card as the Rockstar! What a surprise! And I am truly honored!!!!
