Saturday, August 30, 2014

retrosketches #128 / ROCKstars & SHOUTouts...

HELLO & Happy Saturday!!!! How was your week? Ours was busy busy - as usual! I have the winners for challenge #128!!! 

Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to the newest RetroSketch ROCKstar.... this is just the cutest card ~ I love her coloring and all the details are perfect!!!

And a great BIG CONGRATS to all these Shout-Outs - aren't these fabulous?!?


As usual, you can click on the images to see the full card!

Back soon with the new challenge!


  1. Thanks guys! Glad you like my card!

  2. Wow! Just come back from a few days away to a lovely suprise! So pleased you liked my card, will display my badge with pride x

  3. Thanks so much for the Shout Out and congrats to the winner.
