Saturday, September 13, 2014

retrosketches #130 / ROCKstars & SHOUTouts...

HELLO HELLO & Happy Saturday!!!!  Jeff's working overtime today and the kids and I slept in - WOOHOO! But since I woke it's been non-stop chores! I hope you're having an awesome day! And a BIG THANK YOU if you happened to play with us last week!

Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to the newest RetroSketch ROCKstar.... I just love the fun holiday card - the colors and patterns - so gorgeous!!!.....

And a great BIG CONGRATS to all these Shout-Outs - these are so fantastic!!!


As usual, you can click on the images to see the full card!

Back in a bit!


  1. Woo hoo! Thanks so much ladies! I've always wanted to be a rock star! Congrats to all!

  2. congrats to Heather...WOW, stunning card! thanks for the shout out and to all the others....YAY!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  3. Congrats. Heather! Your card is fabulous! Thanks DT for the Shout Out!
