Saturday, February 20, 2016

retrosketches #199 / ROCKstars & SHOUTouts...

Hello there - I am back with winners for challenge #199Thank you all for playing along!

Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to the this challenge's RetroSketch ROCKstar.... This card is FAANTASTIC! I love absolutely everything about it - those stripes and the watercolor flowers...SWoOon!


And a BIG CONGRATS to these RetroSketch SHOUTouts! Really beautiful gallery, ladies & gentleman! 


As usual, you can click on the images to see the full card!

Back in a few!


  1. wow! how cool. thanks so much.....though im not female.

    1. Oh no - I am so so sorry!!! I fixed it - please forgive me Bruno!

  2. Am I missing something? But the winning card is from KarrenJ ... I had to go to the actual inlinkz to find it - HERE. (Perhaps Pam was the last winner?)

    1. Another oops! I fixed it, thanks for letting me know! It IS so so gorgeous!

  3. It was such a wonderful card .. I had to go and see!

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out, Arielle! And don't worry about the oops with the link - I was thrilled to see my card on display :)
