Arielle                    Erin              Jeni              Sheri

Saturday, August 27, 2016

retrosketches #229...

Hello! How's the weekend going? We busied ourselves with lots of little tasks, and had a restful day getting ready for Sunday School tomorrow! Jeff and I teach the kindergartners - they are delightful! And talkative - LOL!

Thank you all for playing last week, your cards were just brilliant!

Our sketch this week is based on this little card by me...

I love Jeni's back to school theme - so sweet!

The color scheme Sheri used is so beautiful...

Okay~ are you ready to ROCK it?!?

Things to remember:
  • The linky closes at 11:59pm Central on Friday, September 2nd, 2016.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you can join us this week!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

retrosketches #228...

Hello! I hope your weekend is going well, my grandmother finally got home yesterday from the rehabilitation place! Yay! She'll have to have a nurse come in every day, but at least she's home! Thank you for your prayers!

Our fantastic sketch this week is based on this fabulous card by Sheri... she is the guru of patterned paper!

And here's Sheri's gorgeous re-take...

Jeni's delightful card is so happy and summer~y...

Here is Erin's take...


Okay~ are you ready to ROCK it?!?

Things to remember:
  • The linky closes at 11:59pm Central on Friday, August 26th, 2016.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you can join us this week!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

retrosketches #227...

Hello! Happy Sunday! I am so sorry it is Sunday, and not Saturday... I had a killer migraine yesterday, actually since Friday. UGH. Today it's getting better, just not gone yet. But that means the deadline this coming week will be a day later - YAY!

THANK YOU for playing last week! Gorgeous cards  - each and every one!

Our terrific sketch today is based on this beauty by Jeni... and she'll be back with us next week - woohoo!

And this card by Sheri is AMAZING... I am seriously swooning here....

Okay~ are you ready to ROCK it?!?

Things to remember:
  • The linky closes at 11:59pm Central on Saturday, August 20th, 2016.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you can join us this week!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

retrosketches #226...

Hello and happy Saturday to you! We started back to school this week, and I had no less than 5 unexpected things pop up that I had to juggle....crazy! Hope you're weekend is going nicely! Thanks so much to everyone who joined us last week - you ROCK!!!

Our sketch this week is based on this super funky-licious card by Erin...

And Sheri's sample is just stunning!!!

Okay~ are you ready to ROCK it?!?

Things to remember:
  • The linky closes at 11:59pm Central on Friday, August 12th, 2016.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you can join us this week!

Please link your super sketchy projects here!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.