Saturday, February 8, 2014

retrosketches #101...

Good morning again! I am finally back with the newest sketch! YAY! Did you see the winners for challenges #99 & #100? All of you sweet ladies really rocked it! Thank you all so much for playing!

Our sketch today is based on this fabby little card by Kasia! She makes the cutest cards, doesn't she? Here's her re-take:

And from the DT...

Are you ready to ROCK it?!?

Things to remember:
  • The linky closes at 11:59pm Central on Friday, February 14th, 2014.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you can join us this week!


  1. i love this sketch and the DT cards :)

  2. I have yet to make an angled card...this would be the perfect opportunity! I hope I find the inspiration!

  3. This is a keeper sketch that I'll be using again! Thank you for the challenge and all the inspiration!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Loved making two cards based on the sketch!
    Thank You Ladies!!
    (I linked one card, can't link the other one because it's the same link...oh well...)

  5. Played late, but I really like the sketch! :)
