Arielle                    Erin              Jeni              Sheri

Saturday, August 25, 2012

retrosketches #26...

Good morning! We're back with another fabulous sketch for you! But first I'd like to thank all the players last week - your work was amazing! The winners for RS #24 were posted earlier, along with some new posting info - so be sure to go check that out!

I am so thrilled today to introduce this week's RetroSketch Guest Designer, Danielle Daws! I have the pleasure of working with her on a couple other teams, and she is not only a tremendously talented lady, but she's also sweet as pie! I loved the simplicity of this gorgeous card, and am so pleased we could use it as this week's sketch!

Here's Danielle's re-take...

And here's the DT's interpretations...

I am so sad that this is Lynn's last week with as as our first "Headliner". She has been so fabulous to work with and has created so many amazing cards! Please go by and give her some love & cyber hugs!

Things to remember:

  • The linky closes at 11:59pm on Friday, August 31st, 2012.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you get a chance to play along!

Please link your super sketchy projects here!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

retrosketches #24 / ROCKstar & SHOUTouts...

Good morning! Thanks so much for all the amazing entries - we are having a blast looking through them! You ladies are so so talented! And yes, we are still looking through them - so that brings me to a little announcement.

With the challenge ending so close to the weekend, it's difficult for us to finish up commenting and voting before the next challenge starts, so I will be extending the deadline to Friday nights at midnight to enter each challenge, we'll have more time to vote and especially comment and will announce the previous week's winners on the Friday before the next challenge. SO - that translates to: We're announcing RS #24 winners today, and next Friday we'll announce RS #25 winners, etc... Hope that's a solution everyone can live with. I really hate running out of time to comment, and I know you value comments, as we all do!

And now on to the REALLY important business.... please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to this week's RetroSketch ROCKstar! Her card is beautiful and fun inside and out (literally) and oh so clever -

And here's a BIG CONGRATS to these amazing RetroSketch SHOUTouts....


In all honesty - we could have picked SO MANY more.... Tania, Christine, Emma, Tammy, Scarlett..... well, you get the idea! You ALL had such beautiful amazing cards, and we really do struggle each week because really everyone's cards are out of this world!

As usual you can click on the thumbnails to go see the full size cards  - and I hope you will!

Back in a few with the next challenge~

Saturday, August 18, 2012

retrosketches #25...

Good morning! Thanks so much to our talented ladies who played along last week ~ we'll have the winner post up this evening! All the cards were FABULOUS!!!

Our super awesome sketch today is based on this card, by this month's RetroSketch Headliner, Lynn Put!

Here's Lynn's re-take....

And here's our take...

(You can win this set - Sushi Bar - check out my blog post!)

 Things to remember:

  • The linky closes at 11:59pm on Thursday, August 23rd, 2012.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Hope you get a chance to play along!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

retrosketches #24...

Good morning! Thanks again to all of last week's participants - you make this SO fun! ROCKstar and SHOUTouts of RS #22 have been posted here. You can view the ROCKstar post for RS #23, here. Today is my hubby Jeff's 40th & we are at the beach for the weekend... this past week has been crazy - so my apologies for the delays!

Our awesome sketch this week is from this gorgeous card by Laurie ~ I was really excited to use it!

Here is Laurie's "take~to"...

 Things to remember:

  • The linky closes at 11:59pm on Thursday, August 16th, 2012.
  • You MUST use the sketch. If we cannot see the main elements of the sketch, your project might be removed or at the least, not eligible for winning or getting a shout out!
  • Enter as often as you like with a different project each time.
  • You are welcome to combine challenges.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Can't wait to see what you create this week!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

retrosketches #23 / ROCKstar & SHOUTouts...

Hello! I'm back with this past week's winners! Thank you all so much for playing - the entries were awesome! It's always hard to vote!

Please help me congratulate this week's ROCKstar, for this fun card, I really love the colors...

And also a BIG CONGRATS to this week's SHOUTouts - love all these cards....


As usual, you can click on the links above to see the artists' blogs!

Thanks so much,

retrosketches #22 / ROCKstar & SHOUTouts...

Good morning! It took a LOT longer picking these than I thought it would... the gallery of entries was just packed full of GORGEOUSNESS!!! Thank you all so much!

Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to this week's ROCKstar and winner of the $20.00 gift certificate from The Alley Way Stamps, for her perfectly colored, cute & playful card...

And look at all these awesome cards! COngrats to this week's SHOUTouts!!!  I couldn't narrow it down to the normal nine.... so I finally settled at 16! I swear there could have been 100 more - LOL!


We had so many beautiful entries, I decided we needed another winner, a random one... to win 1 free set from The Alley Way Stamps from me!

Congrats to MACKIE!!! Mackie - send me an email and let me know what set you would like! (snappystamper[at]

Thanks so much everyone!